Additionally, you have a branching series of battles to choose from, and each map is covered with destructible objects like sandbag walls, columns, and small buildings soldiers can take shelter behind. Aside from British and German campaigns, there’s also a campaign for France (and the achievement for winning as that last faction is admittedly hysterical). Now, admittedly, there are some cool new features here to enjoy. There’s no easy way to say this, so let’s just rip the band-aid off: Trenches II is a heartbreaker, thanks in large part to some glaring design issues.

Almost two years to the day after Trenches was first released, Thunder Game Works and EA have finally released the game’s true sequel. There’s been an incredible amount of anticipation for Trenches II since it was announced earlier this year. (2007, approx.Trenches II is proof that more isn’t always better. A View from the Trenches is a well-rounded collection of practical information that will help all correctional personnel have a voice in leadership. NAAWS believes that sharing contrasting opinions will help facility administrators find their own leadership voice. The entries reflect the unique realities of each institution and the procedural flexibility needed to deal with them. Readers will find a variety of lessons and opinions in these essays. The authors reflect on such important topics as: management, staff training and development, technology, planning for emergencies and inmate relations. It is a valuable reference wherein some of the brightest leaders in corrections share their philosophies and insights with those who are or may become wardens and superintendents.

This manual is a collection of essays from current and former wardens and superintendents throughout the United States who have contributed from their vast and diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expertise in the field of corrections. The North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents (NAAWS) is proud to present a newly expanded 2nd edition of this best seller.